Outdoor group training
Outdoor group training

Simple 5-min routine to reverse the effect of prolonged sitting

As explained in our last blog sitting for long periods at a time can have some detrimental effect on the way your body functions and can cause pain and imbalances that, if unattended, can manifest into much larger problems down the track. Unfortunately in todays world it is unavoidable to be sitting for long periods due to work, transport and technological advances that make life easier to remain seated for long periods.

The key to overcoming this is being conscious and moving as much as possible, and to reverse some of the effects outlines in the last here is a quick 5 minute routine that can be performed daily without any equipment. If you’ve started to feel some of the negative effects of sitting this could be performed daily to start to reverse some of those effects.

5 minute routine

W scapula holds- 2 sets x 15s hold w scap exercise
  • CUES: lying on stomach, arms to side like a W, raise arms to the ceiling and squeeze shoulder blades


Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch- x 20s each leg hip flexor stretch CUES: half kneeing position, squeeze glutes, shift pelvis forward
Side Lying Chest Opens- x 20s each side




chestopener CUES: lying on side, knees bent, open top hand and rotate while keeping hips straight
Happy Cat Angry Cat- x 20s catcamel CUES: 4 point position, raise upper back to ceiling then sink it to the ground
Glute bridge– 2 sets x 15 reps glute bridge CUES: heels close to glutes, feet hip width apart, push through heels, extend and squeeze glutes
Glute clams- 2 sets x 15 reps clams - glute CUES: lying on side with knees bent, open top leg without letting hips drop back

– Andrew Bayliss-White