Maximize your boxing sessions by refining your technique for both boxing and pad holding. Below we explain the correct form for each punch as well as how to catch these punches properly as the pad holder.
Pad Holding Technique
We find pad holding technique harder to get the hang of than boxing technique. It requires a lot of attention and the need to stay focused. Here are some tips to help you refine your pad holding technique.
Pad holding for uppercuts
Position your pads at the level of the boxer’s chin for uppercuts.
Keep your pads at the boxers eye level, with the pads slightly angled down.
Pad holding for jabs/straights
As a pad holder, you want to keep your elbows in close to the body, keep your shoulders relaxed, and lock your wrists by cupping/gripping the pads.
The resistance you provide for the boxer is important too – you don’t want to be doing all the work for the boxer, but at the same time, you do need to provide some resistance and provide a bouncing effect as explained above. How much resistance you give depends on the boxer, but as a guide, the pad holder generally comes in 25% of the way, while the boxer aims to punch 75% of the way. This means the pads do move in towards the boxer a little bit.
Timing is the key for pad holders. The aim is to have a bouncing effect on the punch, once you have made contact you want to pull the pads back away from the boxer, not follow through.
Positioning your pads correctly is important – below we have broken down each of the traditional punches so you can perfect each.
Stand with a split/boxers stance. Match your boxers stance, this will help to keep your balance as well as to “collect” the punches with more control.
Pad holding for hooks
Position your pads around the boxer’s face level for hooks, and move them in towards the mid-line of the boxer’s chest. E.g. the punch should be caught just in line with the middle of the face, and not on the outside of the body. We don’t want the boxer to punch too far across the body.
Other tips for pad holders
Pay attention to the boxer, try not to tune out
Don’t use the pad holding component of a session as a break – make the most of it!
Move your body just as you would if you were boxing, use your legs, hips, etc. It’s not all about the shoulders.
Count the number of punches for the boxer and encourage them to work hard! They’ll reciprocate when you’re punching later!
Ask your boxer if you are providing enough resistance, too much, etc. Keep getting feedback.
Boxing Technique
Make the most out of your boxing sessions by getting your entire body working out. It is common with boxing that people tend to neglect their hips, and just use their shoulders and arms. You’ll find once you start trying to use your hips to drive the movement, that you’ll be able to throw harder punches and get a better full body workout.
Quick tips for boxers
Make a fist – curl fingers and leave thumb outside
Lock your wrist
Feet shoulder width apart, slide one foot back.
Guard – elbows in (close to the waist) and hands up near chin. Jabs/straight punches take off from the chin and come back to the chin
Boxing technique for Jabs
Punch thrown with your lead hand. Your lead hand is on the same side as the leg you have forward/in front.
Boxing technique for the “Cross”
A cross is basically the same as a jab, except the cross comes after the jab, and the cross is done with your dominant hand so it is usually a more powerful punch
Boxing technique for Uppercuts
With the uppercut, you want to pull your elbows back behind you to get good leverage for the punch once it follows through. The uppercut then comes up with power and to a level just underneath the chin.
Boxing technique for Hooks
A hook is a punch that requires good use of the hips to maximise the full potential of the punch. Your fist should be facing towards you at the end of the punch, and your elbow should be parallel with the ground.
Try a boxing session with Fitness Keeper – check out our timetable to find a class that suits you.