Outdoor classes are now taking place as per our timetable. We are COVID safe and have stringent policies in place. We ask that for all sessions you BYO mat for hygiene purposes.
Hand sanitizer available to clients Wiping down frequently touched surfaces regularly Wiping of equipment between sessions
Fitness Keeper is aware of the ease of restrictions within Victoria and will announce our response later in the week. At the moment we are still offering online sessions and classes, as well as outdoor 1on1 sessions.
Gyms and indoor sporting venues will be restricted from opening from midday local time today. These measures also apply to outdoor spaces associated with the above venues. As of midday today, ALL of our services (whether at the studio or outdoors at a park) will move to virtual training via Zoom. We will be […]
Victoria declared a state-wide shutdown of everything except essential services over the next 48 hours. Gyms and sporting venues will be closed from Monday 23/3 at 12pm (midday). This now means that as of Mon 23/3 at 12pm, all of our sessions will be via Zoom. I am led to […]
You must complete our pre-exercise history and consent form prior to starting with us – click to complete.
Preparing for virtual training via ZOOM – equipment info We are also selling second-hand dumbbells, slam balls, kettlebells, and resistance bands. Contact us for more info or click here to buy.
You will need a link to your “meeting”. A meeting is a PT session, or class. See above for meeting links. Login to Zoom a few minutes prior to the session/class to ensure that your device is working Double tap the trainer screen to enlarge your view of them (instead of your own […]
Saturday 8-8:45am with Steph, meeting ID: 731 917 282 or click here TRAINER DETAILS You can contact your trainer if you’re having trouble: Steph: 0419 391 302 or steph@fitnesskeeper.com.au ZOOM HELP: https://zoom.us/resources