Next 6 Week Challenge: Feb 2017
Register/payment cut-off: 9:30am (just before midnight) on Friday 6 Feb
After this time you can still register but you will not receive your Dietlicious on Day 1
Get involved! 6 weeks of healthy eating & consist exercise to make on-going positive lifestyle changes. Check lists of mini tasks and challenges along the way, weekly educational emails focusing on all aspects of health. Our best challenge yet!
What’s Involved? *
- 6 weeks of unlimited classes
- Expectation that you commit to a minimum of 3 classes per week
- The first 5 days of lunch and dinner prepared for you (by Dietlicious)
- Healthy recipes
- Nutritional and health guidance
- Fitness Keeper “6 Week Challenge” t-shirt
- Fitness Keeper drink bottle
- Weight tracking & weigh-ins
- Body circumference measurements
- 12 home workouts complete with video demonstrations
- Mini weekly challenges and tasks
- Fitness Testing (before and after)
- Ongoing support during the challenge
- Educational emails
- *We may update this in 2017 TBC
Why Enter?
- You will be committed to 6 weeks of healthy eating and exercise
- You will be challenged to make lifestyle changes – that are for the best
- You will notice differences in your body composition (less fat, more lean muscle)
- You will focus on changing habits, turning “bad habits” into healthy habits
- Remember – if nothing changes, nothing changes.
Is there a winner or prizes?
If you participate and give it your best, then you are all winners. Committing to the challenge 100% is more about your personal journey, changing your life, changing poor habits, making better decisions, and focusing on your health. We will however, include some “spot prizes” and “recognition” prizes along the way to help keep you focused and keep you motivated throughout the course of the challenge!
How do I sign up?
If you have an online Fitness Keeper account, login, click the “online store” tab, select “packages” and select the 6 week challenge.
How much does the challenge cost?
Q: I have already purchased a package but I want to do the 6 week challenge.
A: We can extend/suspend your initial/current package so that you can use the sessions after the challenge finishes. That way you don’t lose your sessions you’ve already paid for – but you can still participate in the challenge! If you have a contract (e.g. monthly class membership), you will need to cancel your contract (no charge) so that the next debit does not occur.
Q: If I am unable to make the sessions for a week, can I still participate in the challenge?
A: Yes! We know sometimes people can’t make sessions, this is why you get your home exercise programs. When you can’t make the sessions – you can do these instead. You can continue to follow the nutritional advice and recipes when you can’t come as well so you’re not really missing out!
Q: I can only do part of the challenge, can you offer me a 3-4 week price instead?
A: Unfortunately, we only offer the 6 week challenge and not any other length of time. It’s ultimately up to you if you want to participate or not for the length of time you can attend. Even if you don’t make the sessions, you still get the home programs, recipes to follow, and everything else that comes along with the package.
Q: I can only do 2 sessions per week, not the expected 3 minimum…is this okay?
A: We do prefer that you commit to three structured exercise sessions each week, however if you can make two minimum then we will happily have you on board for the challenge. We would then expect you to do at least one other moderate/high intensity session during the week on your own to make up for the mixed class.
Q: How do I get my Dietlicious meals?
A: We recommend you commence on Monday 9 Feb at the 6am boot camp session, as we will have the Dietlicious delivery coming straight to the session!
Q: What are the Dietlicious meals?
A: Click here to view the options. We will automatically select “Menu 1” from the 5 day lunch and dinner pack – unless you email us with your alternative option (Menu 2, Menu 3, or gluten free).
Q: I can’t have gluten, can I still participate and arrange for gluten-free meals?
A: Yes, you will need to sign-up and pay prior to the cut-off date and email us with your request as well. This will need to be before 11:59pm on Thursday 5 February 2015.
Q: Where do I collect my meals from?
A: Our delivery is coming straight to the 6-7am Boot Camp Class on Monday at Kooyong – the first day of the challenge. We expect that all participants will come along to that session in week one, if not to undertake the session, then to pick-up the delivery.
Q: How do I pay for the package?
A: You will need to either create an online account with us, or login if you already have an account. Once you’re online, select the “Online store” tab, click the sub-tab “packages”, select the “6 week challenge”, and click “make purchase” to finalise. Click the BOOKINGS button at the top of the page to create/access your account.
Register/payment cut-off: TBC
After this time you can still register but you will not receive your Dietlicious on Day 1
Feel free to contact us if you need assistance or if you have any other questions.