Outdoor group training
Outdoor group training

Bring a Friend Month

Want to share your love for Fitness Keeper with a friend??

Bring a Friend Month

Bring a Friend Month: 7 July – 7 August, 2014

7 JULY – 7 AUGUST, 2014

Fitness Keeper invites you to bring a friend*, (friend, family member, or work colleague who has never trained with Fitness Keeper) along during “bring a friend month”.  If you turn your friend into a new client** we will give you 10% off your next purchase.

Why bring a friend?
Give your friend/partner/colleague/family member the chance to see what you get up to and enjoy a fun session or two together.

How much does it cost for my friend to come?
Your friend can come along for no extra cost – it’s free for them to attend!

Can I bring more than one friend to personal training (1-on-1) sessions?
You may only bring one friend at a time to your sessions. You can bring the same friend to multiple sessions, or bring several friends separately.

What if I train in a private group (2-on-1, 3-on-1, 4-on-1)?
Each person within that group is invited to bring one friend each. Again, they can bring the same friend multiple times, or bring a different friend to each session.

What if I train in a class? 
We classify our classes as boot camp, boxing blast, running club, and core conditioning.
You may bring as many friends to our classes as you like. Friends must book in to reserve a place in each class. See below.

Can my friend attend even if I’m not there?
If you attend personal training (1-on-1) sessions, or private group (2-on-1, 3-on-1, 4-on-1) sessions – you will need to be there in order for your friend to participate. Friends are unable to attend free personal training sessions outside of the times when you are training.

The exception here is for our classes (boot camp, boxing blast, and core conditioning). Friends may attend these classes even if you are not in attendance – however, once again we must ask that these friends reserve a place online.

Is there anything that I need to do before I bring my friend?

  • Personal training and private group clients (1-on-1 to 4-on-1’s) 
    You need to contact your trainer by email or phone with at least
    12 hours notice if you are bringing a friend. Please inform your trainer of any injuries/conditions your friend has at this stage.Steph: steph@fitnesskeeper.com.au  or  0419 391 302
    Maebh: maebh@fitnesskeeper.com.au  or  0409 125 990
    Paul: paul@fitnesskeeper.com.au  or  0438 390 431

  • Class clients (boot camp, boxing blast, core conditioning, running club)
    Your friend can create their own Fitness Keeper account online HERE
    They will need to “purchase” (for free) our Bring a Friend Month contract.
    They can follow these instructions:
    – Create an online account
    – Select the Online Store tab
    – Click the Contracts sub-tab
    – Select “Bring a Friend Month” from the list
    – Follow the prompts to make a free “purchase”
    – Finish up by emailing enquiries@fitnesskeeper.com.au with the referrers name

*”Friends” must be new clients/referrals who have not previously trained at any Fitness Keeper session.

**Turning your friend into a Fitness Keeper client means that your friend will have to purchase a 12 session package (for personal training or private group training), or purchase any class package (excluding casual sessions).